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: 27 Июнь 2007, 17:46
Сегодня меня вперло рассказать о J-Rock'е. Японский рок это даволно парадоксальное и забавное явление в основном,сегодня,он представляет из себя рок-группы которые играют довольно милую и легкую музыку которую давольнотаки приятно слушать.Само собой они пишут ОСТы к аниме и их исполняют наиболее известные среди таких групп:L'Arc~En~Ciel,The Pillows ссылок в Дц++ я кидать небуду ибо введя эти названия выскочит мнооого их песен.Собсно из общей части это все в интернете Японский рок и более подробную по информицию очень лекго найти тупо введя "J-Rock"...да и группы я особо перечислять небуду.Собсно я написал этот пост не желая толкнуть вас на путь Джей-рокера,а потомучто делать было нечего и хотелось рассказать о своей самой любимой группе X-japan
немного о них с безизвестного мне сайта и по английски: X Japan is the one of the few rock bands in the world that can unquestionably be referred to as legendary. Quite possibly among the last of the larger-than-life rock bands of the 20th century, X Japan practically inspired a whole new generation of Japanese musicians. The most credited as the ones who helped give rise to the visual kei movement in Japanese popular music with their unique use of makeup, multi-coloured gravity-defying hair, outlandish outfits, and dramatic stage antics combined with hard hitting rock and awe inspiring ballads.
Their style could be described as classical metal. They mix highly epic and moving orchestral music with pure heavy metal madness. Many of their songs are beautiful ballads while the other half are heart racing rock anthems. The rest are a combination of both. Such duality in their music is is why even though they're a heavy metal band, they've achieved such widespread success in the mainstream. Still, no matter if the song is slow or hard, every song they play is a production of epic proportions. It's a style not unlike heavy metal of the late 70's and early 80's which all of its members grew up listening to. So even when they started out, their sound was starting to sound a bit retro by North American standards, but still increadible music like this is timeless.
All of the members are great artists in their own right. There's the square-jawed vocalist Toshi who has a somewhat raspy yet harmonious voice. His voice perfectly fit those early heavy metal songs that made X famous.
The pink-haired guitarist Hide who is the lead guitarist is a fan favorite with his fun-filled guitar playing skill and wicked sense of visual style. In my mind he is one of the greatest musical minds in the history of rock music (for more information on hide, check out my hide page).
Pata the rhythmic guitarist is much less flamboyant than the others prefering a more standard American rock style but is nevertheless one of the greats and a match for Hide's skill.
The bassist used to be Taiji who became one of the most revered bass players in Japan. His vision was very different than that of the band and his style was becoming increasingly reminiscent of American bands like Bon Jovi and Guns n' Roses. There came a point where Taiji did not agree with the direction X was heading at all and this caused many problems. I believe a turning point came after he went on hiatus for a few months and soon after left the band.
Heath, the bassist who replaced him, is excellent, but he's not regarded as highly as Taiji was. But that was back in '92 and Heath had been with X for pretty long while. I really believe he had shown his mettle. In all honesty, the bass of X Japan's music has always been rather tame, especially after Taiji. But I think that has more to do with the way most of the rock songs are written with lead guitars in mind and little consideration to bass.
Finally then there's the band leader Yoshiki, the mastermind behind most of their sound. Yoshiki plays a dual role on drums and piano. He's also the main composer of the majority of X Japan songs. He's a man so androgynous and and slender that you'd think he came straight out of a shoujo manga series. He looks frail by his mannerisms and appearance, but can really go into a berserk rage on the drums and alternately play with quiet passion on piano. He's really a melodramatic ham on stage which is an unusal match with Hide's crazy flamboyance. There are very few artists I respect as much as Yoshiki and wouldn't hesitate to call him a genius. He can often be an egomaniac and I don't agree with all of his career choices, but still I have tremendous respect for him as an artist.
In all of the years they have been together, if you don't count their indie stuff, they've really only released three major albums. Sure, there have been mini-albums, various special releases and their two indie albums, but esentially still only three major albums. But quality and not quantity is what has earned them such a die-hard following. Every song they've ever created is a masterpiece of modern rock. Also X Japan is more of an ensemble of great artists than a single unified group. Apart from their time as X Japan, throughout the years the members would take frequent hiatuses. During any down time they had, the members would concentrate on their own solo careers. The solo works are also very good and go to show what an integral part each member plays within the band.
X was a very visual band, but as the years went by, their look gradually evolved into something more normal. Toshi and Yoshiki cut their hair, the guys would stop wearing makeup and opted for a more regular rock fashion style, such as sunglasses, leather pants and the like. Even though he didn't look as odd as he once did, Hide is really the only one of them who kept a visual look going with his big pink (or red) hair and wild clothing. But I think the whole change is mostly a sign of maturation. Visual kei is fun for a while, but not everyone can keep it up for so many years without it getting tiresome.
Have you noticed that I've been writing most of this page in the past tense? This is because today X Japan is no more. Throughout the later half of X Japan's existance, the members began spending more and more of their efforts on their solo careers rather than the band and this lead to several internal problems. As of September 22, 1997 X Japan officially annouced their disbandment after more than a decade in the spotlight, but the breakup was an amicable one. They played their final concert on New Years Eve of 1997. Chances for reunion are non-existant now that Hide is dead, Toshi has rejected the band and joined a cult and Yoshiki has given up drumming. Even so, we must realize that X Japan gave us fifteen years of awesome music to remember. For that the fans should be very thankful. Even now Yoshiki is still active in the music industry, but rather as a producer behind the scenes. Hopefully we will continue to see Yoshiki continue to create great music as he always has and perhaps one day return to the forefront. (я то английский знаю прочесть несложно было=))
На мой взгляд эта ныне несуществующая группа выделяется среди всех остальных(и является самой лучшей) своими нестандартными песнями,психоделикой перфомансов и полным ломанием стереотипов о японской культуре,все вышеперечисленное мона найти у меня в ДЦ++(ник YokoKanno),концерты иксов я могу выложить по просьбе ибо занимают они слишком многа места на винче..
На этом сосбно все...до новых встречь бугагага...