Из последнего. Список ачивок:
Story: Flavor Transormation - Ruin the microwave casserole.
Story: Press their Buttons - Tamper with the alarm and laptop in Anomalous Materials
Story: Charging my Laser - Switch on all four laser beams in Questionable Ethics
Story: Brownian Motion - Pass the toilet paper to the Scientist in need (devnote: Changing room)
Combat: Mega Hertz - Kill five enemies with one Grenade.
Combat: Indigestion - Kill a Barnacle with a Satchel.
Stupid: With friends like these - Get killed by your own Snarks.
Stupid: Nuclear Fishin' - Kill an Ichtyosaur with Uranium. (devnote:Tau or Gluon)
Story: Resonance Procrastinator - Refuse to insert the specimen into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer.
Story: Ethically Questionable - Conduct research in all unethical experiments in Questionable Ethics.
Combat: Kill it with FIRE - Kill a headcrab using FIRE!
Combat: My little friend - Kill 10 enemies with snarks
Grinding: Caffeine Freak - extract soda from 20 soda machi
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