Zom-B-Nooze, wanted to make a "new kind a music" since some years, 'cause he loves Brutal death metal, Grind Core and Hip-Hop ...
When Zom-B-Nooze heard to the "Do the charles Mansson..." from Necro demo. He wanted to took this musical way, but with x-trem voices, in the vein of Devourment, Cinerary, Disgorge (us)... !! And sometimes, we try to mix that with Jungle, Drum n' bass, Ragga, Dub and other stuffs.
After more years of intence searching for motivated peoples, Zom-B-Nooze, met D.K.Y. on the web in september 2004.
D.K.Y. lives in the north of France (PARIS), and Zom-B-Nooze lives in the south (Ardèche)....
So, how to make an original mix of both style

You just have to take guturales voices and use it like a fuckin' musical instrument...
In the begining of death metal (end of 80's), guys wanted to make a brutal music with deep voices for horror movies.
Maybe the Zomb' Hip-Hop will have a better chance for that...

After some rehearsalls on the web, we made a 4 trax demo in septembre 2004.
By this way we hope to open some spirits to brutal musics, or, to electronic music.
Remember, Dj are TRUE MUSICIANS. And x-treme musics are not anything...
On the 28/12, U.Kuntushdiz, join us for a better sickness, that's good cause making musik on the web is not so easy, he help us, and give other influences. In Nekrorgasm there is no barrier........
Now the problem is how to make a concert

We'll try to ask about that, soon...!!
Why Zombies, because, we're from brutal death metal and we're zombies movies big fans...
But we're positives peoples, with normal life !!
Ok, don't forget,to keep your smiles and have fun in life..........
