Название: Malware inserted on PC production lines Отправлено: Raphail от 13 Сентябрь 2012, 23:52 :D вкратце - заражение компов перешло на железный уровень(или же вернулось?)
Теперь крупные зловредные типы предпочитают проникать мол на фабрики по сборке системных блоков и тп). Если страшилка-и хрен ты с ним..если нет-хехе.. :tankist: it has began!!! http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19585433 Цитировать Cybercriminals have opened a new front in their battle to infect computers with malware - PC production lines. Several new computers have been found carrying malware installed in the factory, suggests a Microsoft study. One virus called Nitol found by Microsoft steals personal details to help criminals plunder online bank accounts. Microsoft won permission from a US court to tackle the network of hijacked PCs made from Nitol-infected computers. |